Justin Bergers of Colorado is initiating a monthly chat about augmentative communication (AAC), as a followup to the 24-Hour AAC online internet chat held in AAC Awareness Month October 2009 and 2010.
Anyone interested in AAC is welcome to join in the skype chat or to post on Augcom Chat on Facebook. We hope to have many participants who communicate using some form of AAC.
The monthly (four hour) Augcom (augmentative communication—AAC) Chat on Skype and Facebook is coming . . .
Date: Sunday, November 21, 2010 (future dates and times to be determined)
Start time: 1:00 p.m. (eastern time)
End time: 5:00 pm. (eastern time)
What you need to participate: Computer, Internet access—dial-up connection is sufficient, Skype program (free download from www.skype.com), Skype name.
What to do:
Before November 21, send your skype name to justin_bergers2006@comcast.net or post it at augcom chat on Facebook along with the time you would like to join the skype chat. We will add you to the group and then you will need to approve a contact in turn from a member of the task force who will be helping to host the event (Judy Bailey judybailey@aol.com of Everyone Communicates in the US, Terry Gibson terryjohnmick@yahoo.co.uk of FaCE in the UK or Justin Bergers justin_bergers2006@comcast.net in the US).
The dates and times will probably change to reflect the interests of people who wish to participate. Please let Justin know if you wish to propose other days and times for future Augcom chats.
Meet people who use AAC and their familes and supporters, raise awareness of communication issues, do problemsolving, share resources, have fun!
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